But I was dead on about the light. The sun was putting a beat down on everyone.
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2010 fashionSPARK Show
in local color, photography, words
Possibly the most glamourous part of every year's SPARKcon is fashionSPARK. It's a pretty fun event to shoot for those of us who don't do regular fashion gigs. Even from the non-official photographer corral.
2009 FashionSPARK Preview
in photography, words
Managed to catch part of the show for this year's fashionSPARK. One year I'll get there early enough for prime runway real estate, but this year I settled for sniping from the sidelines. A few shots from the set (that I still need to finish editing). Tomorrow I'm shooting a project for Rebuilding Together and scouting some locations for a cover. A busy weekend after a busy week.