Kennebec on Hargett Street
So my old friend Scott. . . wait. Scott, whom I've been friends with for a long time is playing with Kennebec these days. They played an outdoor set on Hargett street as part of SPARKcon last weekend. That's great. Outdoor concerts are a lot of fun. The problem I faced was shooting at 12:30. Middle of the day. When it's sunny. I rolled out with the camera and tried to grab some shots anyhow. Not having seen the band live before I wasn't sure what to expect as far as a show goes. I did have some ideas of what not to expect: DLR kicks, pyrotechnics and hair metal. I was okay with that. Although the pyrotechnics would have made for interesting photographs.
But I was dead on about the light. The sun was putting a beat down on everyone. Got the shots back and decided I'd give my self a little more latitude than usual regarding the edits and the manipulation of the shots I decided to post up. It was an excuse to play with Photoshop CS5 in a non-production, client breathing down your neck environment.