I've been overwhelmed the last few weeks. More on that in another post, but please accept my apologies for the one size, fits all approach to this month's wallpaper. It's literally the best I could do. It's an oversized cinema aspect wallpaper. It should hold up to about a 17" MacBook Pro without issue. In 2001, I was lucky enough to go to Kyoto with my parents. It was actually a trip back for my father who'd been stationed there during his service with the U.S. Army. It was a fantastic trip. While he was there with the army, and there for good stretch, I'm not sure how much of it he actually saw. But I know we saw a lot of it that week we were there. Not all by any means.
Often it was the little things I remember the most. The noodle shop around the corner from our. . . let's call it "college student suited" hotel to the fantastic sushi we had with one of Laura's cousins and his adopted Kyoto family. We walked all over that city visiting—I don't know how many—temples and gardens.
My parents were so patient as I obsessed about getting some shots in a few places, slipping out early in the morning to catch some of the good light and insisting that the film be hand checked in the airport (yes, this was still on film).
I called this shot "Prayer Tree" and I hope to go back one day to tie one myself.