Save Dix Park


Actually, I don't like that headline. Not one bit. Because, the Dix Park situation is less about a park and more about what it means to do business with North Carolina.

The push by a handful of North Carolina state senators to "tear up and renogiate" the signed lease has been picked up natonally. And lets, for a moment, think about what this message sends to others interested in doing business with the Old North State.

It says that we won't honor our business agreements if it doesn't suit us. Not just agreements, but contracts.

When you look a little deeper, you see that it also sends a message of hypocrisy.

The bill pushing to shred Raleigh's lease was sponsored by Senator Ralph "I'll Buy that for a Dollar" Hise. Here's where the nickname comes from: When the community college he worked for spied a piece of property they liked, Hise sponosred a bill to sell the shuttered prison for $1. The estimated value of the property? Over $2 million.

I for one, think a prison could make for an interesting office. Especially for a buck.

I can't imagine being indifferent on the idea of a regional park in Raleigh. A destination park attracting people from all over the state and perhaps beyond. But even if you are indifferent on parks or greenspace, take a moment to sign this petition to save Dix Park any way.

Because it's not all about a park. It's about what it's like to do business with North Carolina.

David Spratte

Creative Director, HALO 22
For decades, David has worked with words and images and how they come together in design. That experience helps him guide people and projects to accomplish what they've set out to do. When not on the job for HALO 22, you might find him taking photos, playing with cars, or getting away from everything on a motorcycle.


April 2013


7 Year Itch