Kirby Derby


Part parade, part drag race, part derby. Really, that's all I got for this annual (damn near) Raleigh institution. With a new theme every year Kirby Derby's costumes, floats and derby entries are always entertaining. This will be a bit of a rolling gallery. As events happen and I can go, I'll update. Enjoy!

09 March 2013 Edit: With the site move, the Kirby Derby gallery has been relocated.

David Spratte

Creative Director, HALO 22
For decades, David has worked with words and images and how they come together in design. That experience helps him guide people and projects to accomplish what they've set out to do. When not on the job for HALO 22, you might find him taking photos, playing with cars, or getting away from everything on a motorcycle.


When the Metal Hits the Road

