Chase Jarvis Blog: Mike Relm Slays It

A note about Mike Relm from Chase Jarvis wandered across my RSS feed this morning: Chase Jarvis Blog: Mike Relm Slays It. Jarvis is right. It's a solid piece of filmmaking and even more impressive if you think about the story he tells in under four minutes without a word of dialog.

About two years ago someone forwarded that clip of Relm scratching video from Office Space. Two great tastes that go great together.

David Spratte

Creative Director, HALO 22
For decades, David has worked with words and images and how they come together in design. That experience helps him guide people and projects to accomplish what they've set out to do. When not on the job for HALO 22, you might find him taking photos, playing with cars, or getting away from everything on a motorcycle.


Aperture 3: And there was much rejoicing.


New Year's Eve 2009 and Adventures with Lightroom