
January 2010 Wallpaper

So inspired by David duChemin's "wallpaper as calendar plan" I'm going to crank out one every month this year. I'm sure it'll be a mix of old and new. Hopefully more new than old. See, the plan is to use this in a complicated series of carrots and sticks to make sure I pick up the camera a bit more this year. To get things going we're going to jump back into an image from the last post actually. As soon as I composed this shot, I knew it was a candidate for wallpaper.DSPRATTE January 2010 MacBook Pro

Grab a MacBook Pro friendly size (1140 x 900) by clicking on the image here. Or download the Apple Cinema display friendly size (1920 x 1200) for your less mobile computing needs.

During the lost week—between Christmas and New Year's—I'll be wrapping my head around Lightroom, only allowing myself to shoot with a prime lens and drinking Knob Creek by the fire with friends and family. Before we go, I've got an avalanche of product shots to get working through.

Brentwood Luminarias

For forty years our neighborhood, Brentwood, has displayed luminarias on Christmas Eve. For the entire time we've lived here, the Brentwood Exchange Club has taken on the task of raising the money, securing donations and the logistics of that morning. Brentwood is not a small neighborhood so this is no trivial matter. This year though they announced that atrophying membership meant they'd be unable to pull it off this year. With word of that, the neighborhood association (led by Sean Kosofsky) pulled together to keep the tradition going. In what has to be a record amount of time (less then two months) everything came together this morning and all the bags, sand and candles are in place.

These are photos from this morning's assembly and distribution.

2009 FashionSPARK Preview

Managed to catch part of the show for this year's fashionSPARK. One year I'll get there early enough for prime runway real estate, but this year I settled for sniping from the sidelines. A few shots from the set (that I still need to finish editing). Tomorrow I'm shooting a project for Rebuilding Together and scouting some locations for a cover. A busy weekend after a busy week.